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Researchers Find Observational Evidence That The Universe Is A Hologram

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

f559db6386 "We are proposing using this holographic Universe, which is a very ... To be clear, the researchers aren't saying we're living in a hologram right now. ... they've found strong evidence to support a holographic explanation of the .... A team of researchers has found evidence that shows the universe could be a vast holographic projection.. The researchers, from the University of Southampton (UK), University of ... They found that some of the simplest quantum field theories could explain ... From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic .... Thinking of the universe as a hologram would allow scientists to ... 'An observational evidence for holography comes from analysing the .... The notion of a holographic universe emerged several decades ago, but the newly published research provides observational evidence to .... In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is a term that describes an unknown form of energy that affects the universe on the largest scales. The first observational evidence for its existence came from supernovae ... They allow researchers to measure the expansion history of the universe by looking at the .... ... provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence ... have found there is substantial evidence supporting a holographic .... Could the theory of cosmic inflation soon be replaced with the idea that our Universe is a vast and complex hologram? Perhaps so, as recent .... Physicists Found Proof That the Universe Is Built Like a Hologram ... Some scientists think similar holograms might contain comprehensive ... come across the first observational evidence to give credence to the theory that the .... Researchers have found the first observational evidence that the universe could be a hologram. Researchers believe that this new scientific .... Today, researchers have published observational evidence to support a 2D holographic explanation of the universe. This work could lead to a .... Today, researchers have published observational evidence to support a 2D holographic explanation of the universe. This work could lead to a .... First Observational Evidence of Holographic Universe? ... have found there is substantial evidence supporting a holographic explanation of the Universe. ... the 'projection' is 'real' from our perspective,” the researchers said.. Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram ... A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection. ... and vice versa (see 'Collaborative physics: String theory finds a bench mate'). ... Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research.. One study earlier this year even claimed to have found what could be the first direct observational evidence that Universe once was a hologram .... Scientists have found the first observational evidence that our universe could in fact be a vast and complex hologram. British, American and .... Scientists Find First Observed Evidence That Our Universe May Be a Hologram ... the team found that the observational data they found was largely predictable ... Some believe the concept of a holographic universe has the .... Researchers find observational evidence that the universe is a hologram. The holographic universe notion is nothing new — it was first .... ... provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence ... have found there is substantial evidence supporting a holographic .... London, Jan 30 (IANS) An international team of scientists has found the first observational and substantial evidence that our universe could be ...

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